Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Dry Mouth Signs

Most cancers of the mouth can be cured if caught early. By doing regular oral screening you can bring any changes in your mouth to the attention of your dentist at the earliest possible stage.
Try this your self:
This 'at-home' oral screening should take only 3-5 minutes, once a month.Look for the following signs or symptoms that may appear in the mouth, on your tongue or on the lips:
-White or velvety Red patches that will not rub off.
-Sores or swelling that last longer than 2-3 weeks.
-Repeated bleeding with no apparent cause.
-Numbness or pain in any area.
-Difficulty in Chewing, swallowing, or moving your tongue or jaw.
-A mouth sore that bleeds easily or fails to heal.

1 comment:

dry mouth said...

Dry mouth can cause problems because saliva helps prevent tooth decay by limiting bacterial growth and washing away food and plaque. Without it there could be more problems. But you can aid it by using dry mouth pump.